Hockey This Week?

Greetings all,

That being said we just couldn’t do it today. Nate has a 50 hour a week job in manufacturing and to use 2 days off was painful which is why I just couldn’t ask him again. As it is still snowing as I write this since this storm just won’t seem to go away the rink is filled with snow once again. We wanted to start our Tykes on Tuesday program and Wild Women Wednesdays but I don’t think it’s possible given the rinks condition. And to top it all off, after we would finally finish blowing off the rink it would start blowing and snowing again (think frozen tears on this one).

I would love to shoot for two open games Tuesday night and Wednesday night this week if I can get some help clearing the rink tomorrow. If anyone can help, esp with a dependable blower that would be wonderful. Tuesday and Wednesday nights are actually forecast to be pretty nice.

If you can help a little tomorrow during the day or after work so we can play it would be amazing. We need a hero.


Taken today in the pm… its FULL of snow once again…
Nate as intrepid blower mechanic out on the rink so we can at least get it back into the shed…
Working hard to get the poorly designed drive system to work just a little longer…

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