Thanksgiving Hockey a big maybe…

Hey folks. Just returned from Hawaii to find the rink a mess. Both hoses frozen, actually cut open and broken with the shed a mess. Just ordered $225 in Flexilla hoses to replace what was abused and left for dead. Really bummed me out.

The new hoses are not supposed to arrive before Saturday so I need to throw some hoses together to surface the ice. The ice is awful right now and verging on unskatable. I would estimate it needs to be flooded at least three, if not four times and scraped in places as well. Too warm to try tonight but tomorrow night is supposed to be much better and will try to get enough hoses patched together tomorrow to do some flooding.

Would love to plan a Friday and Saturday Night Lights games if there is any interest. Please let me know if you want some Thanksgiving skating up here. And PLEASE, if you want to skate on a community rink wait till its actually open so you don’t do more damage than good. Could use some help scraping tomorrow if anyone has any time in order to skate this coming weekend.

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